8 remote work problems – and how to fix them

Remote work will be the reality for many of us for the forseeable future. Let's be thankful for the lessons we've learned on how to stay productive, beat burnout, and lead effectively
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During the past eight months, we’ve all had to rise to the big and small challenges that shifting to remote work has thrown our way. And while it hasn’t always been easy, let’s be thankful for all that we’ve learned.

For instance, close-knit teams have learned not only how to stay connected while working apart, but also found creative ways to onboard new teammates during this time and welcome them into their culture remotely. Working parents have discovered new tools and tricks for getting work done while also playing the role of teacher. Leaders have learned how to get the best from teams all while navigating dangers such as remote work security and employee burnout.

8 remote work tips

Here we round up these lessons and more to help you meet the challenges you are currently facing. Because remote work is here to stay – at least for the foreseeable future – we’ll continue to bring you expert advice and insights. Please let us know in the comments what other remote work topics you’d like to see.

[ Want to find a new job? Read also: How to get a job during COVID-19: 9 smart tips. ]

1. On productivity

Remote work: 6 useful tools and apps to boost productivity

You may be one cool tool away from adding precious time back to your day or dealing with background noise at home.

2. On burnout

Remote work: 3 ways to prevent IT team burnout

IT teams are in serious danger of burnout. IT leaders can take these three steps to make a difference

3. On security

Remote work era security: How to recover data after a cyberattack

Cyberattacks are up as the workforce goes remote. Here’s what you need to know about data recovery if your organization is targeted

4. On hiring

Virtual onboarding plan checklist: 10 essentials

Welcoming new hires while fully remote? Use this checklist to make sure your virtual onboarding plan works for managers and new employees

5. On employee engagement

IT leadership: 3 ways to increase employee engagement this winter

As the remote workforce heads into the winter months, many workers may struggle to stay engaged. Consider these approaches to boost your team’s motivation

6. On culture

Digital transformation: What CIOs have learned about culture in the last 9 months

One lesson that has emerged in the pandemic: Organizations with the right culture and technology have quickly adapted when needed.

7. On time management

Time management: 6 unconventional tips

Amidst a pandemic, effective time management is more important – and more challenging – than ever. Consider these unusual strategies

8. On the future:

Remote work: How the pandemic is reshaping the office of the future

Having shifted to remote work, more businesses are considering a future with lower-cost office models that give employees choice in how and where they work. Good news: It’s a win-win

[ Get exercises and approaches that make disparate teams stronger. Read the digital transformation ebook: Transformation Takes Practice. ]

Carla Rudder is a community manager and program manager for The Enterprisers Project. She enjoys bringing new authors into the community and helping them craft articles that showcase their voice and deliver novel, actionable insights for readers.  

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