Top 10 DevOps articles of 2020

Check out our most popular DevOps articles of the year – for lessons you can use in 2021 and answers to key DevOps questions
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While no one could have been prepared for the curveball that 2020 threw our way, DevOps pros had a least one pleasant surprise this year: They were already well versed in the skills needed for the "new normal." All IT professionals needed to quickly learn how to collaborate effectively, lead with empathy, and continuously learn – skills DevOps pros already know well, says Eveline Oehrlich, chief research director at DevOps Institute

DevOps professionals remained in high demand despite the pandemic and economic downturn.

It’s no wonder, then, that DevOps professionals remained in high demand despite the pandemic and economic downturn. As we look back on our most popular DevOps articles of 2020, many focused on hiring DevOps pros or building the skills needed for a successful career in DevOps.

Our top articles have both addressed the ongoing debate around the DevOps engineer title and shared intel on how to hire one. And beyond career advice, our most popular articles offered wisdom on what a solid DevOps strategy can do for teams, along with its limitations and opportunities for growth in the years ahead. 

[ Need to explain key Agile and DevOps terms to others? Get our cheat sheet: DevOps Glossary. ]

Take this opportunity to catch up on these insightful DevOps articles that you may have missed, or bookmark this list to read in the new year. We hope they’ll help you bolster your own DevOps skills as you prepare for whatever comes our way in 2021.

1. 7 top DevOps engineer interview questions for 2020

Passionate, qualified DevOps engineers are hard to come by. Use these DevOps engineer interview questions to zero in on your best candidates.

2. DevOps engineer: IT's most in-demand title for the future

Have concerns about using the term "DevOps" in job titles in the years to come? Get over it. Spend your time using the DevOps engineer title to help achieve important outcomes.

3. 3 DevOps skills IT leaders need for the next normal

As the triage phase of COVID-19 response ends and the transformation phase begins, individuals and organizations can achieve more by focusing on three areas that DevOps pros know well.

4. DevOps engineers: Common misconceptions about the role

What qualities and skills define a future-ready DevOps engineer? Hint: It's about people, not code deployment.

5. DevOps for beginners: Where to start learning and focusing

Where to start with DevOps? Let's explore how to get going with this cross-functional way of working that breaks down walls, improves speed of delivery, and increases experimentation.

6. 3 problems DevOps won't fix

DevOps offers plenty of efficiencies, but it’s no guarantee of business success. Here are three common challenges that require more than just a solid DevOps strategy.

7. DevOps’ next decade: How to prepare teams

DevOps leaders will face big changes in tools and architecture. More importantly, they’ll need to help team members develop a more collaborative and transparent mindset.

8. DevOps job hunt: 3 resume writing tips

Is your resume ready to help you win a DevOps job? Learn how to tailor your resume for these in-demand IT roles.

9. How DevOps teams can get more from open source tools

To get the best from DevOps, tackle your open source strategy in two dimensions: horizontal and then vertical. Consider this advice on tools and approaches that work.

10. 5 must-read DevOps books

No matter where you are on your DevOps path, these books can offer practical guidance and insights. Here’s what they taught my team.

[ Want DevOps best practices? Watch the on-demand webinar: Lessons from The Phoenix project you can use today. ]

Carla Rudder is a community manager and program manager for The Enterprisers Project. She enjoys bringing new authors into the community and helping them craft articles that showcase their voice and deliver novel, actionable insights for readers.  

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